COVID-19, The End of the Age?

People are occupied with protecting themselves and others from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Many are preoccupied with fear and anxiety. Some are so afraid of losing control, or access to stuff, they overbuy and hoard things like toilet paper.

We see nations closing off from each other, businesses executing temporary shutdowns, and individuals quarantined by choice.

Facebook posts and conversations in the few areas where people still share space, although at a minimum of six feet apart, include the topic that maybe the end really IS near.


But only God knows for certain.

He holds the times, the seasons, the nations, the people, and all of creation.

His word reassures us that He will never leave nor forsake us. He states, “and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,” Matthew 28:20 (NASB).

During my prayers the other day I recognized that gratitude and thanksgiving overflow my cup. I’m grateful I still have my health and my job. I’m thankful my extended family is getting on well. We suffer some financial struggle but right now everything is pretty good.

God is not surprised by anything. He knows our thoughts and our concerns.  

Jesus knew

the questions the Pharisees asked before they even had time to speak.
the betrayal, and by whom
the rejections and Peter’s denial

Jesus knows

the current AND FUTURE impact of this virus on His people and on the world

He isn’t surprised by anything.  

Nothing in the past shocked Him
Nothing now amazes Him
Nothing in the future defeats Him

Even though not everyone agrees on the exact interpretation of His words, or upon the timing of events, the truth is

 God knows our past
He holds our present
And He orders our future

Praise be to God!!

Lord be near to us through Your word and in the hopes of Your people. If this disease is a judgment to shake us out of Christian complacency. Give us the courage and the strength to continue to reach out a hand to help another. Use this dangerous virus to draw people to Christ for it is HE alone who can save us. Amen

~ Cindy Payne

Sleepless Nights—My 4-Step Solution

Eyes wide open, I turned to look at the clock on the nightstand, 2:18. I groaned, “Not again, why in the world am I awake at 2 in the morning? That’s the third night in a row. There’s nothing I can do at 2 a.m. to fix any of my problems, so why am I awake?”

Sleepless nights. We all have them at one time or another. Sometimes we’re awake because of pain, or hunger, or some other physical reason. More often, it’s our own mind, our thoughts waking us up, keeping us awake.

Just this week, I read not one, not two, but THREE different posts on Facebook from friends who struggled with not enough sleep.

In 2 Corinthians 11:27 the apostle Paul writes, “I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” (NASB)

Awake in the middle of the night, I know there’s not a thing I can do to solve any of my problems. I’m not at work to earn money to pay bills, the household chores have either been done or must wait so I don’t wake my husband, and it’s certainly the wrong time to consult with any friends who might be able to help.

It’s just me.

Well, it’s me AND God.

I used to ask, “Why am I awake?”

But now I turn to my 4-Step solution for these sleepless nights. Mentally, instead of dwelling on the things I cannot do at 2 a.m. I,

    • Praise God for His amazing creation
    • Share thoughts of gratitude
    • Pray for the people whose names come to my mind
    • “Cast my cares” upon Him

Without fail, every sleepless night I take the opportunity to do these things, when I do  fall asleep, I rest well and waken refreshed, ready to meet the challenges of the new day.

The next time you’re confronted with a sleepless night, spend that time with the Lord. You won’t regret it.

It might even become the most productive part of your day.

“I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely,” Psalm 16:7-9 (NASB).

One Like No Other

Shattered, broken, shards strewn everywhere. Whether it’s a dish that crashed to the floor, or overwhelming tragedies in life, still—shattered.

Drowning in debt, the loss of a loved one, or relationships falling apart often leave us feeling broken, useless, unworthy. Sometimes the broken dish can be repaired with some glue but usually it’s swept up and thrown into the trash. Devastating circumstances can cause us to trash ourselves, others, give up on any repair.


Yet, there is hope.

God uses these same challenging circumstances to mold us like a potter molds a lump of clay.

A potter places the lump of clay on a wheel and sets the wheel in motion. The clay is thrown in ever spinning circles. The potter’s hands encircle the clay, applying pressure in just the right places to form the shape he desires.

Sharp tools carve out designs, provide special features, help each piece become unique.

One like no other.

Our circumstances, good and bad, become the pressure and the tools in the Lord’s hands as He shapes us into the person He desires.

One like no other.

Just when we think that all is lost, hopeless, God reminds us that He is the Potter, and He’s not finished yet. He squeezes us, remolding, pinching off a piece here, and smoothing over a rough patch somewhere else. He changes us in a “do over.” To make us—

One like no other.

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand,” Isaiah 64:8 (NIV).


One Like No Other

Shattered, broken, shards strewn everywhere. Whether it’s a dish that crashed to the floor, or overwhelming tragedies in life, still—shattered.

Drowning in debt, the loss of a loved one, or relationships falling apart often leave us feeling broken, useless, unworthy. Sometimes the broken dish can be repaired with some glue but usually it’s swept up and thrown into the trash. Devastating circumstances can cause us to trash ourselves, others, give up on any repair.


Yet, there is hope.

God uses these same challenging circumstances to mold us like a potter molds a lump of clay.

A potter places the lump of clay on a wheel and sets the wheel in motion. The clay is thrown in ever spinning circles. The potter’s hands encircle the clay, applying pressure in just the right places to form the shape he desires.

Sharp tools carve out designs, provide special features, help each piece become unique.

One like no other.

Our circumstances, good and bad, become the pressure and the tools in the Lord’s hands as He shapes us into the person He desires.

One like no other.

Just when we think that all is lost, hopeless, God reminds us that He is the Potter, and He’s not finished yet. He squeezes us, remolding, pinching off a piece here, and smoothing over a rough patch somewhere else. He changes us in a “do over.” To make us—

One like no other.

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand,” Isaiah 64:8 (NIV).


When Depression Moves In

Depression – if you, or a loved one, struggles with depression, please read Meredith’s words of encouragement.

Meredith N Mills

What happened to my joy?

The question tugged at the corners of my soul as I trudged through each day. A dark cloud hovered over every waking moment. And sleep? That was a struggle, too. I had one bed-wetter and another child with night-terrors, so the sleep I did get was often fragmented and restless.

How I hated mornings. I dreaded facing a new day.

How can I be a good mom when I feel so sad, so weary, so…depressed?

(For the rest of the story, hop over to CBN where I’m sharing today about my walk through depression and the hope I’ve found along the way.)

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and welcome you to join the conversation by leaving a comment below.

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