In Reflection ~ For Father’s Day

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching,” Proverbs 4:1-2 (NIV).

During a lesson with Julie, we added ground driving to our training. Julie commented, “Reecie seems willing to work in the round pen.”

Though at first, Reecie darted forward, not understanding the pressure of the lines, the bridle. Julie instructed me to walk near Reecie’s head as a guide while she continued the lesson the with the lines. After making a few circles around the pen, I dropped back to walk next to Julie. Reecie now understood enough to continue forward at a walk.

For the next part of the lesson, Julie took the long lines off Reecie’s bridle and attached the reins. Standing at Reecie’s shoulder, holding one rein in each hand, Julie squeezed her hands closed and held them that way. After a moment, or two, Reecie lowered her head slightly. Julie opened her hands and explained that this release rewarded Reecie for “giving the right answer”. It was my reward when later, Julie said, “I’m pleased. it’s noticeable you really enjoy Reecie.”

Julie also showed me exercises, lateral flexions, to ask Reecie to bend her neck and turn her head to either side. The purpose of these exercises is to help improve the horse’s suppleness and flexibility. And when distractions occur, they’re useful for regaining focus and attention, for both horse and rider.

After I practiced the lateral flexions, we returned to ground driving again, this time with me handling the long lines. Julie assigned homework for me to practice the ground driving as well as lateral, and vertical, flexions. My goals were to concentrate on clear communication and the timing of the release/reward. Reecie’s improved suppleness and forward movement told me when I did them correctly.

In Reflection ~

Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. Often, we try to rely on previous experiences, or what we thought we knew, what we’d been taught, but end up “getting bucked off.”

Having someone wiser to teach us can keep us safe and offers its own rewards. It’s why I hired Julie. But we have to be willing to put in the work, to learn. Like Reecie was willing to learn. Ultimately, Reecie was the answer to one of my father’s instructions, “You should get a young horse so you can train it the way you want.”

However, learning from the word of God is the best teaching of all. And as our true, perfect Father, He IS our greatest reward.

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching,” Proverbs 4:1-2 (NIV).