In Reflection ~ Changing Direction

Reecie bucked me off (see blog post — In Reflection ~ But…I Want to Ride, published Jan 2023)

I need some help. I don’t have a clue how to fix this. 

I asked some friends at the barn for possible solutions and the best advice was, “You should hire Julie Sessions. She can help.” 

So I gave Julie a call, hired her as my riding instructor, my trainer, my mentor. Added bonus she’s also now a good friend. 

We started Reecie’s training over, from the ground. Sandy had done a great job with those first few rides, but I didn’t have Sandy’s knowledge or judgment to continue riding a “green” horse. There were holes in my training that needed filled before I could adequately train Reecie to be a reliable saddle horse. 

Julie gave me tips on the proper use of the round pen as a tool in our training. How to keep myself, and my horse, safe while we worked and played. She demonstrated how to tell Reecie my desired direction of travel. This is done by using body language (the language horses understand the best) and with words (voice commands). 

We discussed, and practiced both languages as commands for speeding up, slowing down, changing gaits, and the all-important word – Whoa.  

Through Julie’s instruction I learned that my commands (my body language and my words) need to be clear, consistent. For example, to instruct Reecie to slow down I stepped toward the front portion of her body.

To signal a turn, I stepped ahead of her, into her path, and raised my arm pointing the other direction. My position affected Reecie’s.

Julie assigned homework to me after each week’s lesson. I journaled the lessons and the homework, to consult with her later, record questions, list AHA moments when things would finally sink into my brain.  

During the homework assignment, sometimes I used a halter and long rope with Reecie to provide a physical connection with each other. 

In Reflection — 

I needed help with my horse. My way of training her wasn’t working. I had to change ….

My horse didn’t understand why I wanted her to turn and go the other way, but she changed direction when I stepped into her path. When my commands were clear, and consistent. 

Do I recognize, and understand God’s commands? Do I change direction when He steps into my path, to guide me in a different way?  

How is your response to God’s guidance of where He wants you to go? Are you listening to His voice, through His written word? His instructions are to train us in His ways, and to keep us safe under His guidance. He wants us to follow Him, even if that means we have to Change Direction.

“It changes direction, turning around by His guidance, that it may do whatever He commands it on the face of the inhabited earth. Whether for correction, or for His world, Or for lovingkindness….” Job 37:12, 13(NASB).