In Reflection ~ A Committed Relationship


I swatted Reecie’s behind.

“You’re not allowed to kick at me! I don’t care what your reasons might be. It’s unacceptable.”

Reecie had struck out with that right hind leg again. Not waiting for me to be in the proper position to clean that hoof.

Oh boy! The look of disbelief on her face at being slapped for her “unwanted” behavior almost made me laugh. I hid my grin, knowing that I’d made my point I went back to cleaning the hoof. This time she allowed me to take her foot when I was ready.

All of a sudden, the brain gremlins start in, the “what if?” thoughts, the fear — I’m not sure how this is going to go today. Shallow mouth breathing, fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach, should I continue with my plans or call this ride off today? Agghh, Lord, please take this fear away from me. I don’t even know why it comes….

My plan was to ride Reecie in the round pen after some groundwork, but…

Some of the other girls who boarded here at Willow Springs were having a pony-themed birthday party, loud laughter, giggles, and joyous shrieks filled the arena in front of the barn. The round pen was right there. Next to the barn. Near the noise.

I can’t always allow the actions of others to determine my purpose.

You’re right Lord, I have to choose to continue in spite of the fear.

Just as I’d anticipated, the excitement and activity just outside the round pen captured the bulk of Reecie’s attention. But I’d already saddled her in the barn and decided to at least continue on with our groundwork. See what happens, how I feel. If I CAN continue.

Agghh another attack of the “what if” thinking — What if she spooked at the bright colors, loud noises? What if she bolted into the fence?

Shut up brain, I have a good horse. Just keep YOUR mind focused.

Even as my heart throbbed with gut-wrenching fear, with anticipation of some unknown disaster, she did everything I asked during our groundwork, although I did have to be a little more assertive when I asked her. To keep her mind on me, instead of out there…with the party. Ah, who was I kidding, it was ME that needed to stay focused and committed to our work.

Shoving down my what if thoughts, I positioned Reecie next to the mounting block, “Well, Reecie let’s give this a try. Stand please.”

When she stood perfectly still for mounting and continued to stand while I turned my stirrup to slide my foot in, after settling in the saddle, I reached forward and hugged her. “Thank you, Reecie.”

Taking a deep breath, I whispered a quiet prayer – Lord, thank You for giving me such an amazing horse.

We rode for about 15 minutes or so, practicing turns, halts, and moving off at a walk again. Staying focused on each other.

Party? What party?

In Reflection ~

The time Reecie and I spent together in the saddle, on the ground, establishing rules, developing a relationship, built our trust and reliance on each other. A dedicated pattern of loving, committed behavior.

Am I committed to God and trusting Him the way I want my horse to trust and commit to me? How is your relationship with Him? Are you committed to Christ? Trusting Him?

“And may your hearts be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time,” 1 Kings 8:61 (NIV).