Self-driving Cars, the Way of the Future?

Guidance systems

News reports of self-driving cars (presently with limited autonomous features) provide positive and negative information.

Image by Adam Pialasik from Pixabay


The technology is still in some initial stages and all the “bugs” haven’t been worked out yet

Wrecks occur


Advancements are being made every day and there are projections for fully autonomous vehicles in the future

The possibility of fewer wrecks because distracted driving will no longer be a factor

What does this mean for us?

Instead of driving our attention could be on getting work done, i.e. a mobile office for everyone who needs it

We could attend to our children and participate in family travel games

Maybe napping would even be an option

How does a self-driving car operate? I think it would work something like this—

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Similar to On-Star® technology there would be computer monitoring with signals transmitted by satellite

Remote access would allow us to turn the car on, have it drive over to the curb to pick us up (how convenient THAT would be), program in our destination and away we go

Now ponder this

A satellite that we can’t see, touch, or hear, operating far away providing the directions of

      • When to go
      • Where to stop
      • What road to travel
      • How to avoid dangers by guiding us around other vehicles and obstacles

Autonomous vehicles on the road require us to trust our lives to computers and the satellites. Not always a bad thing. I mean we do have On-Star® and Alexis, right? The results provide evidence that it could work. Albeit, not perfectly.

But let’s go a step deeper, or maybe I should say Higher

God, whom we can’t see, touch, or hear, provides us with directions for

Image by FotoRieth from Pixabay
      • Life choices
      • Moral decisions
      • Wisdom when faced with obstacles
      • Relationships enveloped in love

If we’re willing to trust ourselves to the technology of self-driving vehicles how much more can we trust ourselves in the perfect being of God. The evidence of creation proves the care and detail he takes in his work.

Maybe it would be awesome to have my car drive itself to pick me up without me walking through a downpour halfway across a parking lot.

But what is even more awesome is having God as my driver. He has a plan, knows where I’m going, and sees the path of travel. He guides me through the obstacles of life.

If you’re ready to trust technology to guide you, will you trust God as well?

“For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him,” Isaiah 64:4 (NASB).

Author: paynefulponderings

Cindy enjoys time with God, her family, and her friends. Writing is her way of sharing how God guides her life to help others see Him. She stays busy as a wife, mother, grandmother, and caretaker/owner of two horses, two dogs, and three cats.

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